



The understanding of facial ageing in plastic surgery is improving every day. Due to the ageing process, the general gravity as well as the stress of everyday life such as the external influence of sunlight, there are changes to the facial soft tissues, the facial fat and the muscles. As a result, deep wrinkles appear in the oral region, the chin line loosens with drained fat chambers and loosening muscles. Wrinkles and fat deposits occur throughout the neck.

Facelift procedures help counteract these problems by shaping fat, tightening skin, muscles, and ligaments, giving your face a fresher, more youthful appearance. In the unobtrusive areas, such as behind the hairline and in natural wrinkles of the face and ears, surgical cuts are made and the scars fade over time. Frequently, fat or other substances are injected to fill flat areas of the face. After the surgery, some patients appear 10 to 15 years younger. The goal is to achieve lasting results. The mini-facelifts focus on a limited area of ​​the facial region.

The treatment spectrum includes facial and neck lift, double-chin correction or mid-facelift.


The mid-face lift gives the middle part of the face a youthful vitality. The cheeks are raised and shaped to achieve a natural rejuvenated appearance without the need for a complete facelift. This procedure is often suitable for women and men who do not yet need a complete facelift. The mid-facelift surgeries are ideal for reducing puffiness under the eyes, improving the contour of the upper cheeks and smoothing nasolabial folds. Mid-face tightening is often done in conjunction with lower lid plastic surgery and fat injections to rejuvenate the area around the eyes and to accentuate the cheeks.

Advantages of a mid-facelift operation: The benefits of mid-face lifting over full-face lifting are less invasive, resulting in less bruising and swelling, and a faster recovery

Brow lift

These are procedures that can raise the brows to improve and revitalize the appearance of the forehead, the brow and the area around the eyes.

A brow lift is often combined with other surgeries such as blepharoplasty and facelift. Many women opt for a brow lift as they get older and lose some of the skin’s elasticity on the face. Reduced skin elasticity combined with reduced collagen and reduced muscle activity cause the skin to sag giving a tired look. In addition, years of frowning or tensing of the muscles due to stress and sunlight can cause deep lines over and between the brows. Forehead lift surgery can make women and men look ten to fifteen years younger.

The coronary eyebrow lift (traditional) performs a wide incision along the top of the head, from ear to ear. The pattern depends on your hair pattern and will be adapted to your needs. The surgical incision is kept away from the hairline and the hair often grows over the scar, so they are imperceptible in the future.

In both the endoscopic and coronary lifting methods, the goal is to achieve a firm, wrinkle-free skin surface with reduced eyebrow negligence. Many patients who undergo a forehead lift surgery also opt for a facelift to give the entire face a rejuvenated appearance.

Upper and lower eyelid tightening (blepharoplasty)

Blepharoplasty can rejuvenate swollen, sagging, or tired-looking eyes by removing or shaping excess fat, skin, and muscle from the upper and lower eyelids. Often, the surrounding ligaments of the eyelids need to be repositioned. Eyelid surgery may be performed for cosmetic or visual enhancement purposes by lifting sagging eyelids out of the patient’s field of vision. The procedure may be performed under local anesthesia or if necessary under general anesthesia.

The blepharoplasty can be combined with a facelift, filler or Botox treatment to lift the eyebrows or reduce the appearance of wrinkles, crow’s feet or dark circles. In the case of eyelid lines and shadows, it is often necessary to restore the fullness and contour of the face with injectable fillers or your own adipose tissue.

Most patients undergoing eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) have unwanted wrinkles, slackness or tearing on their eyelids. The operation of the eyelids (blepharoplasty) allows patients to rejuvenate their facial area and achieve a younger look.


The nose plays an important role in the overall attractiveness and the personality and character of the face. Rhinoplasty is one of the most difficult, delicate operation but one of the most satisfying procedure that exists in all plastic surgery. It is designed to improve the shape and size of your nose and improve the overall appearance of the face. It is often a life-changing surgery that gives patients more confidence and an overall better quality of life.

Through the nose correction:
– Improve the look of your nose
– Create a beautiful, natural-looking harmony and balance between facial features
– Treat a birth defect or a broken nose after a trauma
– Fix problems that affect respiratory function (such as crooked nasal septum)

Ear correction (otoplasty)

An ear surgery for children or adults can attach prominent ears closer to the head and harmonize their shape significantly. Surgery can also be helpful for large, elongated earlobes or unsightly scarring. The earmold can be performed under general anesthesia or, depending on the findings, under local anesthesia. The primary results are immediately visible and crucial to the self-esteem of many people.

Otoplasty refers to surgery on the ear for various reasons. It can be performed to shape and harmonize an underdeveloped or small ear, to reshape a malformed ear, or more often to reduce the protrusion or size of an ear and put on the ears.

Chin Augmentation

Chin augmentation surgery, also known as mentoplasty, is a surgical procedure to shape the chin either by augmentation with an implant or by injection. Often, chin surgery may be recommended in patients with nasal correction to achieve a harmonious facial component. In addition, chin surgery in combination with a facelift and a neck lift can strengthen the chin.

The chin operation creates a harmonious balance between facial features, making patients feel better. Insufficient or weak chin structure is the predominant reason for this procedure, where an implant is placed under the skin to improve the appearance of the jawline and profile. With these implants, a short chin can be created, which gives the face shape symmetry and harmony.

Together with the patients, the desired implant size and the desired appearance are discussed and it is decided which size or correction best suits the patient aesthetically and realistically. Chin augmentation is a form of therapy for patients who are dissatisfied with their face shape and chin size.

Lip augmentation

Full and vibrant lips have always been considered aesthetically important features. However, some of us are born with thin, ill-defined lips, or our lips lose their fullness with age.

Fine lines and wrinkles, thin lips and a drooping corner of the mouth are areas that can be supported with injectable fillers. The procedure for lip augmentation is individually tailored to provide a safe and effective treatment option, whether it be fillers or a injection of the patient’s own fat.

There are various ways that lip augmentation can be done: There are both temporary and permanent remedies for lip augmentation. Various fillers from different manufacturers are used to shape and enhance the lips for temporary augmentation, while synthetic surgical implants are used for those seeking permanent lip augmentation.

The goal of lip augmentation procedures is to enhance the natural shape without creating overcorrection or unnatural over-looking of the lips.


Breast augmentation

Breast augmentation surgery is one of the most popular and most requested surgical procedures in plastic surgery worldwide.

For breast augmentation, implants from leading manufacturers are used and patients are informed in detail about their desired size and ideas. All implants consist of a silicone shell. The implants used consist exclusively of silicone gel, which are available in different sizes, projections (low, medium, high) and shapes (anatomical, round).

Treatment options:
1. Breast augmentation with silicone implants or combined with autologous fat (lipo-filling) and/or breast lift.
2. Breast augmentation only with autologous fat (lipofilling)
3. The implant replacement after an operation already performed, for example in the case of pronounced capsular contracture.

Breast lift

Due to natural aging effects or certain factors such as lost skin elasticity, significant weight loss and gravity, the breasts may have a natural flaccidity that can not be resolved without surgery.

Breast lift is a surgical procedure that removes excess skin and tightens the tissue for a firmer look. In many cases, an implant is used or the own tissue is performed in conjunction with a skin tightening. This helps to create a breast shape that matches the proportions.

Thanks to existing innovative techniques, minimal scars remain after a breast lift and patients can recover faster. Based on the quality of breast tissue and the type of skin of the patient, various techniques are used which are best suited for these properties. Overall, breast augmentation can result in firmer, younger-looking breasts by redistributing and shaping existing breast tissue and removing excess skin.

Breast reduction

If you have oversized, heavy breasts, you are probably familiar with the unpleasant side effects: chronic back, neck and shoulder pain, psychological side effects (embarrassment, shame, anxiety, depression), unwanted attention, bullying, difficulty breathing due to weight, deep constrictions on the shoulders due to the bra straps, skin irritation under the breasts and difficulty finding suitable garments.

Breast reduction surgery can give you relief. Reducing your breasts in proportion to the rest of your body reduces many of the pre-existing physical and mental stress of large breasts. With smaller, lighter breasts, your body looks more balanced.

Male breast (gynecomastia)

An enlarged male breast that takes on a female form is a condition that can occur during puberty in many young men and may not always be seen as pathological, as it usually recovers spontaneously. In adulthood, this disease may also be more common, correlating with drug side effects or disorders (such as hormonal imbalances, liver disease, testicular tumors, or an unhealthy lifestyle).

Men who wish to feel confident about their appearance will be assisted in breast reduction surgery with liposuction, surgical removal of excess breast tissue and skin, or a combination of both techniques. In this surgical procedure, the fat and glandular tissue is removed from the breasts with or without skin tightening. This will give the male breast more contour and it will also flatter and tighter.

Breast Reconstruction

For breast reconstruction, modern surgical technologies are used to build a natural-looking breast. The surgical treatment is performed, for example, due to carcinomas or other diseases of the breast after a complete or incomplete mastectomy (breast removal).

There are several ways to address breast reconstruction both with and without implants. These include surgical reconstruction methods from skin-saving breast surgery to reconstruction by means of a free tissue transfer or tissue flap.


Tummy tucks (abdominoplasty) and general tightening operations

Tummy tucks (abdominoplasty) and general tightening operations:

The tummy tuck is a commonly requested surgery in plastic surgery. Many mothers, as well as people who have a flabby abdominal skin by weight loss, can not simply tighten their muscles and skin by exercising. Here a tummy tuck can significantly improve the abdominal region and restore the natural abdominal shape.

If you have lost much weight through exercise, diet or bariatric surgery (such as gastric bypass), there may be excessively loose (inelastic) skin in certain areas of your body. For those who want to achieve optimum shaping of the body parts, the tightening operation is the answer. Although a single tightening operation on a part of the body significantly improves the appearance and texture of this region, the patient often has excessive skin or fat deposits on various parts of the body, such as the abdomen, back, buttocks, and arms. For patients who want to achieve a perfect body, we recommend the full-body lift (body lift operation), in which all problem areas can be smoothed and brought into ideal proportions.

For the safety and well-being of patients, the numerous procedures are often performed in separate surgical steps.

The general treatment zones of the tightening operation are:
– Belly
– Chest
– Buttocks
– Upper arms
– Thighs
– Back area

Buttock augmentation

The Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) buttock augmentation procedure is an operative treatment designed to pay particular attention to rounding of the entire body and its relation to the buttocks. This procedure involves the fat transfer technique, which removes excess fat from the patient’s own body from the problem areas and transplants it into the buttocks to add shape and volume. Not only does the back look bigger, but the rest of the body looks slimmer too. The buttocks skin becomes narrower and the butt assumes a tighter form. This firmness produces a powerful rejuvenation of the buttocks that makes patients look younger and fit.

Buttock implants vs. Enlargement of the buttocks by autologous fat:
The buttock lift with fat transfer techniques is preferable to traditional buttock implants for a variety of reasons. Fat injection gives you a more natural look and feel, so that your buttocks feel just as firm as your legs and stomach. The use of fat transfer techniques also reduces the risk of infection and other adverse reactions such as placing a medical implant. In addition, fat transport has the benefit of reshaping the rest of the body for a nicer silhouette.


This is a technique to remove stubborn fat in certain areas of the body that are difficult to burn with diet and exercise.

Thanks to modern liposuction technology, patients enjoy a safer and less painful operation with amazing results. Liposuction serves to reduce localized areas of excess fat that are not consistent with the rest of the body. Liposuction improves body definition and results in a smoother contour in the treated area. The clothes fit better and the body looks firmer. The results must be sustained through sports and healthy eating. It is also common to transfer this unwanted fat to the face, chest, or buttocks area to further enhance and sculpt your body.

Am I a candidate for liposuction?
You can be a candidate for liposuction if you have persistent fat on one of the following areas of the body and face: abdomen, waist, hips, buttocks, thighs, knees, upper arms, chin, cheeks, and neck.

Fat Transfer

Fat transfer (injection) reduces wrinkles and restores areas that have lost volume as a result of surgery, injury, aging, or other causes.

Transplanted fat, which comes from the patient´s own reserve, carries no risk of allergic reaction or rejection. Other benefits include a short recovery time, long-lasting results, and effectiveness on every skin type.

Postoperatively, compression garments are applied over the entire surgical area to reduce post-operative swelling and to quickly produce the desired results. The results will continue to improve in the following weeks. Final results are usually visible after several months. Since the surgical incisions are so small and made in inconspicuous places, scarring is hardly recognizable.


The labioplasty or labial correction describes a surgical procedure for the correction (reduction or alteration) of the labia.

The operative correction of the labia minora corrects the excess skin of the enlarged labia and restores a physiological size. If the outer labia are too small, there is also the possibility of a correction by autologous fat treatment.

The operative treatment areas are the correction of small and large labia, the correction of the clitoral hood, and the correction of the pubic mound.


Botox treatment

Botox is generally used to reduce or eliminate the appearance of facial wrinkles caused by muscle contractions. It is injected under the skin into areas around the eyes, forehead and mouth to smooth out crow’s feet, frowns and wrinkles as well as collars and lines. Made from a purified protein, Botox relaxes wrinkles and gives the face a rejuvenated appearance. Botox may also be useful for migraine, excessive sweating and cramping in the eye and neck muscles.

Filler injection (hyaluronic acid injection)

Over time, our skin shows the natural and inevitable signs of aging, like wrinkles and flaccidity. The fat compartments of our face also lose volume and empty, resulting in an aged face shape and contour. However, it is possible to counteract these effects through various non-surgical cosmetic procedures.

Injectable fillers from various manufacturers are applied to different regions of the face to smooth and fill wrinkles, lines and cavities of the face. Often, these agents can be combined in conjunction with surgical procedures or Botox injections.

Treatment zones for fillers:
– Forehead
– cheeks
– Nasolabial folds
– periorbital region
– lips
– décolleté area
– other areas of the body

Birthmarks / skin tumors / lipomas

The removal of birthmarks, lipomas, and other (benign and malignant) skin tumors on all body sites can be carried out mainly by local anesthesia, depending on size.

Many patients choose to have a plastic surgeon remove their moles and other lesions, especially if they are in cosmetically sensitive areas such as the face, chest, and so on.

Lipoma Removal:
A lipoma is a soft, doughy, greasy lump that is usually found on the back, shoulder, arm, buttocks, and thighs of adults. They are usually benign but if a lipoma is painful, growing, or bothering, it can be removed. A lipoma can be removed with its capsule only by a surgical operation. Depending on size, this operation is performed under local anesthesia or under general anesthesia to ensure extra safety and patient comfort.

Scar correction

A scar is a mark on the skin caused by wounds or burns. Depending on the type, scars can be raised or sunk and feel numb, itchy, painful or sensitive. They can also cause physical difficulties, depending on their location. For example, scars on a joint can restrict the range of motion.

Scar revision is performed to minimize the appearance of a scar, making it more consistent with the surrounding skin.

There are several treatment options:
– Surface treatments soften skin irregularities and reduce uneven pigmentation
– Injectable therapy for volumizing a sunken or concave scar
– Surgical excision for complete removal of the old scar

Scar revision is performed to reduce the occurrence of scars caused by injury or previous surgery. Scars are by definition permanent, but the surgery can narrow, fade and reduce the appearance of severe or unsightly scars. This is especially important in cosmetically visible areas of the body.

Autologous Blood Therapy (PRP) and Micro-needling

More and more people are looking for ways to preserve the health and beauty of their skin without invasive surgical procedures. An innovative process provides excellent results without surgery or downtime. Micro-needling with PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) combines the best of two leading treatments to treat common age-related problems and sun damage.

This non-surgical treatment uses the body’s own healing process to rejuvenate the skin and create a younger, softer complexion. The results of microneedles are stunning.

Micro-needling with PRP:
Medical-needling, also called collagen induction therapy (CIT), is a minimally invasive treatment in which hundreds of microchannels with several small needles are inserted into the outer layers of the skin. This process stimulates the body’s natural healing process and promotes collagen growth. This makes the skin firmer and reduces the appearance of fine lines, blemishes and acne scars.

Treatment spectrum for PRP and Medical Needling:
-wrinkle treatment
-acne scars
-hair loss
-pigmentary disorders
-general superficial skin disease